Inspirations from the Holy Land K/N/A Life in the Married Lane

This blog began as a way to keep in touch from abroad, but has developed into a way to keep in touch from married life (which seems to be trickier to do!).



Well, check-in is in a few minutes. I'm sitting on the unforgiving concrete benches in a lobby in terminal four. I've already been to Miami today (how I managed to get a flight to New York via Miami is beyond me). From Miami to JFK I had quite possibly the smallest seat ever. Check it out in the above picture. I'm such a tourist!!
I'm leaving the country in a little under four hours. INCREDIBLE!

Yesterday I was running around like a meshuggeneh; I must have driven to Creve Coeur three separate times! While I managed to see and get pictures with many people who I love and will miss, it wasn't possible to get to everyone. Really, it was quite bittersweet.

Last Sunday the Yaris threw a going-away party (for them, not me, well, mostly for them). Reb Yari made me this beautiful sign ------->
which my mother is going to ship to my dorm, once I know the address that is.

I'm going to go check in my luggage!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog looks fantastic! Great job!

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah but are you married yet?
: )
Hope you're having a blast!!!

6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun!!

: )

3:48 AM  

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