Inspirations from the Holy Land K/N/A Life in the Married Lane

This blog began as a way to keep in touch from abroad, but has developed into a way to keep in touch from married life (which seems to be trickier to do!).


Isru Chag

So the Chag (holiday) is over. Classes are going to be starting Wednesday. I'll be caught back up in the swing of the hectic schedule. It's difficult to process, as so many things have happened since I last typed which overshadow most of what I would mention.

Thursday morning I was woken up by a phone call from Mrs. Yari (I had already two messages - one from Bracha Elefant and one from Chana Greenwald), telling me that there was an accident involving the Grunbergers. She told me in such a gentle way, Baruch Hashem, that it took quite some time to process the gravity of the situation.

Here are the names so you can daven:

Dovid ben Bracha
Eliyahu Chaim ben Bracha
Elisha ben Bracha
Tehilla bas Bracha

The St. Louis contingency here in Israel gathered at the Kosel Thursday night to daven and say Tehillim for the Grunbergers.

So, although I was b'simcha on Simchas Torah, and spent time in Mea Shearim Saturday evening watching the Hafkafos Shenios (essentially a second Simchas Torah - men dancing with the Torah scrolls with an incredible amount of joy which is very contagious) at various shuls (one with a Yerushalmi clarinetist) and the following day spent the meal with the Halles and then went to to the Kosel with Chani Muser, Devorah Nitsun and Bracha Elefant to daven and say tehillim, now I find myself back in a state of suspended belief. Please daven!!


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