Inspirations from the Holy Land K/N/A Life in the Married Lane

This blog began as a way to keep in touch from abroad, but has developed into a way to keep in touch from married life (which seems to be trickier to do!).


Sukkos is in the air

I had a real "only in Israel" moment the other day. While purchasing an mp3 player in order to record classes and listen to them, put then on the computer, etc., I was at the electronics store with a friend and happened to look out at the beautiful late-afternoon sky as the colors changed in such a way that you really appreciate the divinity of a sunset. But, as I gazed at the sky, it occured to me that since the clock was turned back after Yom Kippur, the sunset was earlier, which meant the deadline for davening Mincha, the afternoon prayer, was about an hour earlier, and I had no siddur (prayer book) with me! I expressed my concern to the sales clerk, who was not religious, and he promptly ran to the back of the store and came back with two siddurs, asking me, "Ashkenaz or Sephardi?" I was able to daven mincha in the back room. Only in Israel!!

On another note, Sukkos is really in the air. Sukkas are popping up everywhere, and on many streets vendors are selling the four species, decorations, schach, whatever you would want. Baruch Hashem, we don't have classes right now, so I'm able to really enjoy this season. It's so amazing!


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