Inspirations from the Holy Land K/N/A Life in the Married Lane

This blog began as a way to keep in touch from abroad, but has developed into a way to keep in touch from married life (which seems to be trickier to do!).


At the Kosel

So this picture is actually a little dated, but really, it's timeless. Standing in front of the Kosel, the Western Wall, the place where we can cry our hearts out to our Creator, close to where our Temple stood.

There are tunnels which follow the length of the Western Wall. When you come to the end of the tunnel you are standing on cobblestones which were street level at the time of the second Beis HaMikdosh (Temple) and the reign of King Herod. That's around the first century B.C.E., to give you an idea of how old that is. OLD!!!!!


I attended a shiur (class) last night, where I heard an amazing analogy from Rebbetzin Malky Friedman. We have eyes to see, but the actually part with which we see is the pupil, the dark black spot in the center. When things are dark, the pupil expands, and when there is more light, it contracts. This is analogous to ourselves, more so, our egos. When things are dark, murky, and we're not recognizing the importance (or even existence) of G-d in our lives, we become big(-headed), the center of our own universe, the end-all-be-all (get the picture?). However, when we let in more of the Divine light into our lives, we become smaller, realize our perspective in the world, that we are really teensy, and that there are things which are far more important.

Isn't that great? I loved it!!


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