Inspirations from the Holy Land K/N/A Life in the Married Lane

This blog began as a way to keep in touch from abroad, but has developed into a way to keep in touch from married life (which seems to be trickier to do!).


School's IN for summer

Classes began yesterday, and massive note-taking has ensued. The schedule is a little something like this:
Class starts at 8:30 with two hour-long classes.

Then a fifteen minute break.

Then one hour-long class.

Then tutoring in the library. This is an opportunity to work on my Chumash skills, which I do with the aid of a British tutor who is very exacting, thankfully.

Then there's lunch, followed by an hour class. Sunday is Rabbi Orlofsky, who is hysterical!!!

Following that is a three hour period in which I have an hour free.

Then take another tutor (a lovely girl from Baltimore),

and then free time until dinner at 6.

Following dinner are two more hours of classes.

So basically, I'm in class from 8:30am until 9pm with two breaks of an hour each, in which I can study, play piano, etc. This is my basic schedule, Sunday through Thursday, with the exception of Monday, which is free from the post-lunch class on. Fridays we have off.

One of the staff members informed me of free concerts at the Jerusalem Theatre every Monday at 5pm. We're talking classical music here! I'm thrilled! Last week was a pianist playing Bach and Ives, which I didn't get a chance to attend. This week was a string trio and oboist (Dudu Carmel, who is apparetly the creme-de-la-creme) playing Radzinsky, Britten, Mozart and Beethoven. It was sublime.

In addition to classes I also have a Chesed job (think volunteer work). On Friday mornings I go to a little old lady's apartment and clean it before Shabbos comes in. The bonus (as if I needed one)? She doesn't speak English, only Hebrew, Yiddish and French. For those of you who don't know, I thoroughly enjoy speaking French, and rarely get the opportunity. It's so nice! And she's adorable.

After that I go to a job job, where I also clean. I don't do windows (well, not yet). This family has many musical children, so when I went last week I was serenaded by a stunning pianist. Ooo, it was so nice!!

Additionally, there are numerous opportunities to do chesed on campus and in town. For instance, Avital coordinates girls to spend time with Rebbetzin Scheinberg (as in "the" Rebbetzin), and I was zoche (priveleged) to spend several hours with the Rebbetzin and her daughter-in-law last week. It was exhilirating. This country is amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

9:22 AM  

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