a fractured foot!

Can you believe it? I broke my foot almost two weeks ago! How did such a thing happen? Well, I was immersed in thought and failed to notice the curb and promptly walked right off of it. Now, such graceful moments are relatively frequent in my life, so I thought I would just "walk it off," like so many other times. I hobbled up the hill to Neve, and elevated, iced, had Malka from upstairs (a nurse) take a look at it....but the next morning, when it wasn't better, I resigned myself to a clinic visit. Avital came with me (the tzedekes!) and it was possible the most efficient clinic visit EVER. My name was called practically when I started waiting. They took an x-ray of my foot and informed me that it was broken. This is the first bone I ever broke! It was kind of exciting. They also told me that it was a mild fracture and didn't warrant a cast.
Avital and I then went to Yad Sarah, a gemach (free loan center) for medical equipment and checked out some crutches. Also exciting - check them out!
So, the last couple of weeks have been spent mainly recuperating and being annoyed that I can't even get up to make tea for myself. Baruch Hashem, my apartment-mates are great and all jumped at the chance to help me. Such nice girls!!
A brief synopsis of what's occured since that fateful fall (I wasn't very mobile, but I was busy!) -
*The Shabbos after, a wheelchair was procured to wheel me to a Shabbos Kallah (a celebration for the bride-to-be on the Shabbos preceding her wedding) for Ilana, who lived across the hall from me. It was so sweet, and I was so glad to go! What a treat!
*The next day was her wedding, all the way in the old city. It was a beautiful wedding. I did a little shtick with the crutches: I used packing tape and secured an extra pair of shoes to the bottom of the crutches and proceeded to "dance on three." It was extra fun.
*The next day was the Summer S

*The next night (see, I was non-stop busy) was Sheva Brachos for Ilana (following a wedding, there is a dinner party of sorts every night for a week - it's a really amazing, beautiful tradition, welcoming the bride and groom into their new life as a couple) in Mea Shearim. It was so great - Ilana is to my left - isn't she beautiful? What a treat!

The rest of the time I chilled out - I went to an Orthopedic Doctor on Monday (the day of the Siyum), who was VERY Israeli (like, he told me to "not be a baby and walk on my foot even if it hurts, and if I really NEED to, I should take an aspirin."). He told me that I should start walking on the foot. So I have been, at an excruiciatingly slow pace, but, Baruch Hashem I can walk on it!! He was really pretty hysterical. When he found out I was staying until next June, he told me that I would "be a rebbetzin by then." Cute!
We're all still praying for the conflict to be over - an for the safe return of the soliders. Gilad ben Aviva, Ehud ben Malka and Eldad ben Tova. Please pray for their safe return to their families.
I sprained my ankle doing the same thing except I was walking down my parents stairs not paying attention and decided to take an extra step even though there was not one there! Glad to know you are well and happy! I finished my first class of my masters a week ago and I got an A! Yay!
Should SimchaWear.com be free? It’s not a gemach, but rather a gown portal for everyone to use. I welcome your comments on my http://www.simchawear.com/blog
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