safe and sound and on a tour
First of all – I’m safe, for those of you keeping up with the current events. Jersualem is out of range, thank G-d.
I wanted to share with you a walking tour I took this morning of the courtyards of some neighborhoods in
In order of the pictures:
- This is Davidka – a fake mortar war-thing, which the Jews used in war (I think in 47-48?) because they didn’t have enough ammunition. This little guy made a big “boom,” and was used for psychological warfare. It worked, by the way.
- This is by the entrance of Tiferet Yerushalayim – Ezrat Yisrael (founded 1892)
- A courtyard in the Even Yisroel (est. 1875) – it’s absolutely gorgeous, with flowers blooming around it and a furniture restoration store behind it. Yofi.
- Here is an example of a typical window in this old neighborhood. Note the archway, double window, and small hole in between. These were everywhere.
- This is the entrance to Ohel Moshe (est. 1883).
- A gorgeous entrance way to an old synagogue. The doors display imagery of the 12 tribes. This was the first synagogue to leave the old city.
- Here is a plaque outside of a house in Mishkenot Yisroel (est. 1875) which proudly displays the fact that the gadols (the great people), Rabbi Meltzer and Rabbi Pardes used to live in this building. We were able to schmooze little with the woman who currently resides in the home, and she regaled us with stories of how the descendents of these great men will periodically come to the home to visit. Amazing!!
- These beautiful figures are the artwork of Chaim Peretz, who is a very modest artist living in this area. When asked why he didn’t place his gallery/store in a more populated area, he replied that Hashem is in charge of his income, and if he is to prosper, Hashem will send him the business. It seems to be working.
- The door of the home of Rabbi Aryeh Levine. His son gives brachos (blessings) from this building. Hopefully, I’ll go back and get one.
- This is a real Yerushalmi challah in the area of Batei Rand (est 1910)! It’s representative of the twelve tribes, or it could also be representative of the twelve loaves which were displayed in the Beis HaMikdosh (The Temple) every Shabbos. We are trying to recruit this lady to come and teach us at Neve how to make this delicious bread!
- Why would I take a picture of a blue dumpster? Because it’s not a dumpster! This container is used to put papers which contain the name of G-d, or a verse from the Torah. We don’t throw these pieces of paper away, out of respect for G-d and the Torah. This is a neighborhood service. Can you imagine?
- In this neighborhood of Batei Broide (est. 1902) there was some real action. If you look closely, you can see the bullet hole on this iron gate. Yikes!
- This is a Syrian shul in Nachlat Tziyon (est 1893). Inside (which was locked) is some beautiful artwork. I had to take the tourguide’s word.






Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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