the impending trip back....
Well, it's really happening. I'm really coming back to the states. And soon. June 5, to be exact. Hashem, in H-s continual kindness, has set me up wonderfully for my time back. I'll be living by the Greenwalds (by the way, the "by" really means "at." It's just a frum thing, what can I say - frum grammar has its own rules), and working for Kramer and Frank - the law office I worked for before I was priviledged to work for Reb Yari. This is mutual beneficial, I know their official and procedures. Also, they know me and my religious needs. I'm looking forward. What else? I get to be home in time for Tzippora Elefant's wedding (I think I already mentioned this). These are only a few of the things which are making the trip back that much more pleasant.
Of course, I'm not looking forward to the culture shock, but b'ezras Hashem, it will be okay, and I won't faint when I go into Target for the first time (from the sheer amount of items available for purchase).
Neve is doing a play, "Elevated," about two girls - one frum and one not who are stuck in an elevator together and are forced to bond. It's cute. I'm "in charge" of the music for it (I guess that makes me the musical director, which is exciting), so I'm doing the choir, arranging the music, etc. It's a lot of fun, but also a lot of work.
Oh, by the way - Shavuous is tonight!!!!! After this holiday, I'll have experienced all the holidays in Eretz Yisrael. That's very exciting. I'm eating by Maya Davidovici's cousins tonight (The Epsteins) and then classes, walking to the Kotel, and then lunch tomorrow (at 3pm) by R'Chalkowskis. That is very exciting. The second day, myself, Maya and Sharone (two of my friends and apartmentmates) are eating food which Maya and Sharone made (I contributed only financially this time - they are great cooks these girls). I'm looking forward.
Chag Sameach!