t-minus 33 hours
Yes, it's true. The time has really come. I'm really leaving tomorrow night. I've been going through various stages of shock with coming to terms with this reality. At least I'm leaving with both of my roommates. Emily and I are even on the same flight! No joke!!
So, next Shabbos I'll be in the states. In St. Louis. Wowza.
This past Shabbos I davened Kabbalat Shabbos at the Kotel, then walked to Rabbi Chalkowski for dinner. For lunch I went to a lovely family called the Bronchers. Most of the day I spent sleeping, to make up for the extreme sleep defecit I was dealing with. For third meal, I ate with everyone in the dining hall, and one of the madrichot asked me to give a dvar torah. I was a nice end to a wonderful Shabbos, but I was so sad for it to end. All good things...
In any case, tomorrow I return to Chutz L'Eretz, and embark on my summer journey. It's been an amazing year and I'm SO glad I came!!!!
dear rivkki,
welcome back, baruch hashe-m you had a great zechus to be there for a year, i'm sure you know that it's gonna take some time to adjust to life back here, but you'll do it. again, brucha habaa,
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