February?! How did that happen?
Time just keeps up it's persistant march forward, doesn't it? Shabbos in Bayit Vegan was amazing! The meal at the Refsons was very inspiring. It was like being in class with Rabbi Refson, but better, because it was also Shabbos! He spoke about a lot of different topics, but one which was especially nice was the commandment to love you friend as yourself. He said the usually we only view our good points, our positive attributes when thinking about ourselves, and this is exactly how we should treat others - look at their positive traits. The Levis was also very, very nice. There were a few other Neve girls there, and after the meal we played Rummikub and Mrs. Levi fed us fruit, popcorn and cake. As if we didn't eat enough! The Weisbergs were also very lovely. It turns out that Michal Sendler, the head tutor, was a permanent fixture in their house when she was single! They made me feel very at home.
This past Shabbos I was in Ramat Eshkol and Sanhedria area. I ate dinner at Rebbetzin Bulman's, which was really lovely. We had a seder in honor of Tu B'Shvat (the Rosh HaShana of the trees), and the meal was nice, relaxed and very enjoyable. Lunch was spent by a Chassidishe couple with two ridiculously adorable children. It was a wondeful Shabbos. Motzei Shabbos (Saturday evening) I went to the Bulmans and played a little clarinet. They fed me ice cream and cookies. This is the life!
Things are really wonderful here, and I'm really savoring my time here. Now that I'm aware that there are only four months left until I come home for the summer, I'm starting to look at things through eyes of longing and appreciation. Not that I didn't appreciate my time here before! But, when you know something is finite, it makes it more precious.
A friend sent me a link to your delightful blog. What a treat for me to read about your wonderful time at the Bulmans! I assume that the Rebetzen Bulman you mention is Adina Bulman -- my sister-in-law. (Her husband is my brother.) It's been a few years since I was in E'Y, I am way overdue for a visit. Enjoy the rest of your year, behatzlacha rabba!
What a small world! I'm not shocked, of course. I am curious, though: Who do we have in common (besides your family) who would send a link? Thanks for the lovely note. kol tuv
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